Warning Area 51
Scroll at your own risk
RESTRICTED AREA - Sec. 21, Internal Security Act of 1950; 50 U.S.C. §797
USE OF DEADLY FORCE AUTHORIZED - Title 10 - Energy, 10 CFR §1047.7

They can't stop all of you
Planning on visiting Area 51? We don't blame you. Having paid a "visit" to the base ourselves, we can confirm that it's a one-of-a-kind sightseeing destination. To help you prepare for your visit, we've created a detailed topographic map that doubles as a protective skin. Don’t forget to tell the aliens we sent you.
* dbrand assumes no liability for any injuries sustained when the United States Air Force does, in fact, stop all of you.

Three-dimensional texture
Fun fact: Area 51 contains alien printing technology. Or at least, it did... we can neither confirm nor deny whether we stole the printer. What we can confirm is that we have a new space-age addition to our printing arsenal: the ability to print three-dimensional textures on two-dimensional skins. What better use for it than the map we "allegedly" used for our Area 51 heist?
* The space-age printer that we allegedly stole from Area 51 is, in fact, capable of printing textures in the third dimension.